Helpful Links

#1: Background City
colorful city street picture

Background City offers a myriad of different background images to choose from. They neatly organize their site by theme, so it is very easy to find what you are looking for very quickly. Their great variety of visual options is bound to have something for everyone.

#2: Blind Text Generator
Blind Text Generator logo

Blind Text Generator is a fast and simple way to get dummy text for your projects. Dummy text is helpful when you need text to see how the final product will look, but you don't know what the text is going to say or you don't have time to type it in. Blind Text Generator has many different types of dummy text to choose from; their Kafka text is very entertaining to read!

#3: InDesign Help
InDesign logo

Go right to the source when you need help! Adobe provides the InDesign Help feature as part of their website to assist you as much as possible.

#4: HTML Color Guides
example chart of HTML colors and codes

There are many different resources available to help you choose the right color for different aspects of your projects. Take for example: they provide an assortment of organized color lists for you to select what you need quickly. Websites like makes it simple to try different colors to get the best combination possible.